Monday, October 25, 2010

Church Greeting Cycle

blogger, be a "middle way" .

Ho sentito recentemente la definizione  BLOGGER una " via di mezzo ".
Provando subito a proiettarla verso la  nostra situazione di Blogger (scrittori di blog) che abbiamo scelto questa via, per provare a parlare delle problematiche inerenti il mondo reale: dal precariato all'impegno cittadino passando per la  libera comunicazione, con un linguaggio che si avvicina tanto a quello della politica , ma che tale non รจ ed entrando direttamente nella comunicazione, pur remaining close to the reality that trying to portray.
I tried to summarize the consequences of our so special and unique position:

  1. the ability to convey the hopes and suffering of others, approaching a personality often (in our case the world of politics, but not only), making it the authoritative power that comes from the network of contacts (by the way we passed the 67,000 contacts lately, thanks), etc.;
  2. at the same time not being involved of the sophisticated equipment and complicated process, so far from real life that have become so-called political institutions.
So blog as a "middle way "..... and I would say: BOND REAL and authentic voice (hence the name of this blog "The Voice of city " ) between the company and the world of modern politics, a sort of parallel universe, much more real than reality itself and reference for both.
Carlo Marino


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