Monday, November 29, 2010

Volleyball Poles Indoor

administrative pordenone 2011 (source Messaggero Veneto 26.11.10): Birth of a committee that aims to bring wi -fi access for all users. Delivery Free WiFi

administrative pordenone 2011:
" SPILIMBERGO. Free wireless Internet for all. This is the objective of the infant Committee for free Wi-fi, founded by Charles Marino with the objective of making new technologies available to all users. from Pordenone, where the Committee ha raggiunto le 200 adesioni necessarie per sottoporre la richiesta all’attenzione del consiglio comunale, ora la campagna si estende ad altri comuni, fra cui Spilimbergo.  “I love wi-fi Spilimbergo gratis” รจ il nome del ..." ( leggi tutto l' articolo )


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