Thursday, December 2, 2010

Camellia Plant For Sale Toronto

Bersani takes the money of the job (the source 12/01/2010)

The man said no roof. In Rome it's raining really hard. When Marco and Bruno Tabacci Calgaro have a amendment to reform the university to finance contracts for an indefinite period of researchers are confident that Bersani and his men will vote yes. The Secretary-PD has climbed the sky of Valle Giulia. He offered sympathy to the brain precarious. No one expects a move differently. Instead Bersani refrains (which is like rejecting the rule) . Thirty of his no vote. The treasurer of the DS, Sposetti, fires and flames, cursing against the amateurism of Deputies rutelliani. The PD is in fact split. What the hell happened? Simple. Calgaro Tobacco and wanted to take the money from the coffers of parties university. cuts to public funding and more money to researchers .... read the whole article
( Salvatore Tramontano)

Comment author of this blog:
Those of us who for years (Since 2006) dealt with all power to the fight against insecurity , by collecting signatures, parliamentary questions and then submitted bills to be ladies or senators bipatisan ( readers of this blog are witnesses) , when reading news like this feels a sense of deep despair, not resignation, because we never give up, but in the face of the many promises made from time to time by individual politicians in office, see che nel momento in cui realmente si poteva fare qualcosa per i cosiddetti lavoratori PRECARI dell'università, i quali soffrono, giorno dopo giorno, con l'incubo di non sapere che fine faranno, se gli verrà rinnovato o no il contratto, senza la possibilità di progettare niente per il proprio futuro, niente casa o figli, insomma quasi una vita da schiavi moderni, si chiedeva alla casta di rinunciare ad una piccola quota dei soldi destinati alla politica, ecco che loro hanno invece girato la testa dall'altra parte, decidendo coralmente  in Parlamento  di dire no     amendment that would bring light to these people in need.
It 'hard to find words to describe this ....
Carlo Marino


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