Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Floating Arm Trebuchet Designs

Sergio Bolzonella (Mayor of Pordenone) meets Charles Marino (the first signatory to the petition calling for WiFi Internet access throughout the city including the suburbs)

Sergio Bolzonello
(Mayor of Pordenone)
administrative pordenone 2011:
"Pordenone, December 20, 2010
Dear Doctor
I read with great care and great pleasure in the text of the petition that you filed in our municipality.
I must say that I live Administration agrees fully with the requests made in the petition itself .
As you will recall, during the elections of 2006, I proposed to the city the creation of a Wi Fi which covers the part of the area and allowing free access to the Internet.
then I thought, and today ... (read the full letter to link) "


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