Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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Aliens, if you arrive on Earth, would like us: violent and hungry for resources. Word of scientist!

imagine that a cat reflect on the possibility that there is life on other planets and that attempts to describe his musings to other cats. Probably will venture into what can be long dissertations on the tail of extraterrestrial planets and which offer exactly the same conditions that allowed the evolution feline. How many chances would our cat-philosopher to discover a reality that is outside its limited imagination of cat?

More whether or not this is the concern that emerges in reading the new publication of the Royal Society The detection of extra-terrestrial life and the Consequences for Science and Society ": fifteen essays that have stock of the academic situation of what we know - and you might know in the near future - the existence of life beyond Earth, analyzing the implications of anthropological, ethical, religious and even a possible contact with alien life forms.

But as the earth's population would react if the discovery was announced other forms of life? Albert Harris considers the hypothesis of "culture shock" that already Arthur C. Clarke had suggested in 2001: A Space Odyssey. "Society," writes Harris, "was disturbed by men on the moon, canals on Mars, the discovery of quasars and pulsars, by the announcement that the fossil came from Mars and false announcements of discoveries by SETI. Any discovery of extraterrestrial life would probably a mix of emotions that include fear, pandemonium, equanimity and joy .

However, Harris continues, "in North America and Europe even the discovery of a specimen exobiology or detecting a remote signal could lead to widespread psychological disintegration and social collapse. " Of course, until the revelations remain on the content of the microbes that feed on arsenic, global panic can be averted said. But maybe that's the risk of a collapse psychosocial why the revelations emphatically announced by the space agencies are showing so poor and disappointing . Perhaps the population, while over-stimulated by the Internet and science fiction, is not well tested and softened. But then scientists - and modern - not just those who serve a mostrarci che la realtà è ben più banale di quello e che si è sempre creduto?

Ma la domanda è anche un’altra: “ Riuscirà a imporsi un processo adeguato sulla base di pareri esperti di scienziati corretti e responsabili, o prevarranno sulla scena gli interessi di potere e l’opportunismo? ” si chiedono il professor Giovanni Zarnecki della Open University e il dottor Martin Dominik dell’Università di St Andrews nel documento introduttivo, anche se la domanda suona come se contenesse già la sua risposta. “ Una mancanza di coordinamento può essere evitata by establishing a general framework in a truly global effort governed by an international politically legitimized. " According to the two scientists, the UN already has a mechanism suitable for this task, in its Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS). I wonder if, at contact, you can start a debate on the existence of other life forms with the help of new items!
taken from LINK

REBUS has devoted two episodes to the Italian case clearest case of alien abduction: that of PierFortunato Zanfretta:

" It 'hard to imagine that the evolution in alien biospheres operates differently from the Darwinian model " says Simon Conway Morris of Cambridge University, that it is inevitable that life on other planets - if it exists - and resulting in "something like the man." It warns that in the case of a contact, we should prepare for the worst, because the aliens will inevitably be similar to us, our own tendencies to violence and exploitation of resources . What if happen to encounter a planet like Solaris imagined by Stanislaw Lem , indescribable, unclassifiable in the categories of life and communication conceivable, and above all totally ignorant on Darwinism.


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