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Shroud, Michael Allegri Barbara Frale: "Welcome to the club advisers"

of Michael Allegri *

It 's a year or so we are assisting to a renewed controversy , one on the Shroud of Turin . As if you asked was born first the chicken or the egg, in this case, some academics wonder: the Shroud is real or fake?

at the expense, this time, and Mrs. Barbara Frale , an official of the Vatican Secret Archives which, arguing that the Shroud of Turin that wrapped the broken body of Jesus , was harshly attacked and challenged by eminent historians, academics, the Shroud, as well Catholics, by Vallerani to Canfora, through Lombatti gradually up until you get to Nicolotti . Subject of the controversy are some written "ungrammatical" in Greek, Latin and Aramaic, which appeared on the Shroud (but in reality, with the powerful media of today, no longer appear!) And translations or interpretations of the translations.

According to my neighbor, it would appear even a fishmonger Thai phrases that would ensure that his pangas are fresh ... But he was not given the right space in the media, perhaps because it is induista.Comunque, recently appeared in the news, not denied, that the Frale, "smaronata" for the continuing attacks received, decided to respond to its academic context from the pages of the monthly magazine Fenix \u200b\u200b , which deals with the esoteric, crop circles, Egyptology vary, directed by Adriano Forgione, director of the monthly Hera.

The Frale, from the pages of that newspaper, he then challenged the protesters, "sustainable" and using the male pseudonym of John Aquilani. Everything ha fatto inorridire il prof. Nicolotti che ha preso carta e penna ed ha scritto ad un notorio quotidiano che non era quello un bel modo di difendersi dalle “giuste” contestazioni accademiche, usando pseudonimi, elogiandosi e via discorrendo. La Frale ha sostenuto, invece, di aver concordato questa formula con il suo editore, il Mulino e di avere fatto solo un piccolo scherzo. Come andrà finire? Non so, quello che avevo da dire sulla Sindone, l’ho scritto in un articolo sul mensile Secreta e l’ho detto nella puntata di Rebus-questioni di conoscenza . E’ un falso, periziato nel 1988 da tre importanti laboratori internazionali!

However, the Templars did not worship the cloth of Turin, as the Frale. The Templars encircled with their string of brothers who had an idol in the form of a head, which was blessed and adored during the night chapters.
In some cases, the head is called " Bafomet . The shroud is a sheet, it would be difficult to encircle it. In addition, the cloth was not a subject of "idolatry," religious event punished by the Church.

sacred towels or rags in hand, I take this opportunity to talk about a subject that has treated Mrs. Frale, ie the paper or parchment of Chinon the archivist says he found in the Vatican, as had been forgotten for centuries. To express some opinions on this subject (so delicate that at the last G8 heads of state have not been able to sleep), I recovered the number of Fenix \u200b\u200bdevoted to this subject, not to displease the archivist of the Vatican, of course.
years part of the Templar history and no one could ever deny me, I have always maintained, in my books, articles in newspapers, on radio and in the speeches on TV, that the Chinon document gave endorsement to this that historians have always maintained namely that the Templars practiced strange rites, a thousand miles away from the orthodox Catholic, even more, for true brand blasphemous.

I have always said, then, that the reading of that document of 1308 is misleading. Indeed not want to rehabilitate the Templars on charges of heresy rather than try but want to get out of the fray and the only truly responsible for the end of the Order, ie Bertrand de Goth, that Pope Clement V . The choice of "policy" is certain to shift all blame to the French king Philip IV the Fair most Christian , "so there's no more" and Sarkozy's ... certainly not take the trouble to respond in defense of a monarchy that no longer exists ..
In essence, the revisionists argue that the accusations of heresy, the Templars were a fabrication of King Philip and Pope Clement V was dominated by the French king. One of the biggest such bales to the public in the last twenty years!

They, the revisionists, they forget, however, that Clement V issued four bubbles, official documents, with which it established the Templar arrests, seizure of their property, ordering the royal families of Europe to follow suit. I revisionisti si dimenticano o fanno finta di dimenticarsi che nessuno laico poteva mettere le mani su un monaco (e i templari lo erano), né tantomeno arrestarlo o torturarlo senza autorizzazione ecclesiastica. Inoltre i templari erano monaci che dipendevano direttamente dal papa e solo lui avrebbe potuto armare la mano degli Inquisitori. Cosa che avvenne puntualmente con tanto di bolla!
Il documento di Chinon non fa che confermare un’usanza sacrilega dell’Ordine templare e cioè che i cavalieri, all’atto dell’iniziazione, sputavano sul crocifisso e rinnegavano la figura del Cristo. I Templari si giustificarono dicendo che facevano questo atto “non con il cuore ma con mouth ", ie without any real intention to offend" our Lord Jesus. " The fact is that they did.
Nothing new under the sun, as inquisitors in the acts, the visitor general of the Hugh de Pairaud declared that it sputtered on the cross "was the custom according to the statutes of the Order."
Since the Order was a Catholic, do not be surprised that a Christian King and a Pope could run a bit '"the two seals" for these strange expressions of affection toward Jesus

The document Chinon is written that no charges were invented by King Philip . In all the historical documents talking about a traditional fact. All this has been distorted and even more. It is said that the document speaks of absolution of Pope Clement V at the accusations of heresy. not true ! There is talk of absolution of the Templars did not because there is no repentance but , which is quite another thing! Only after the Templars had admitted that it was truly a rite practiced and only after an outspoken and sincere repentance, only then, Clement V, Pope, exonerated them.

* Doctor of Political Science-International political, is a connoisseur of ancient history and contemporary geopolitical scenario of the present, with particular attention to issues of cooperation and development of the most deprived areas of the world.
For his studies in religion and esoteric, it has been repeatedly invited to panel discussions and workshops about the Templars and orders of chivalry, as well as European and U.S. philanthropic institutions. Collaborate with national journals of history, current events and geopolitics, and is conductor of radio programs. For some time, also operates in the fields of public relations, communications and publishing industry, holding positions and roles of various levels.

The REBUS episode dedicated to the Shroud, entitled "The Shroud of God":


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