Monday, January 24, 2011

Savanna Samsons Pregnant

Inside Opus Dei: Michael Allegri interview Emanuela Provera (the second and last part)

Who would take this path, if it is to be young, I would recommend to turn to other realities of the Christian Church to receive training to deal with priests from other religious experiences.

Michael Allegri

you think Opus Dei is all in line with orthodox Catholicism? There are rituals that are not in line with Catholic Tradition?
Also for reasons of synthesis, do just a few examples:
BABY VOCATIONS : In the operation and provided the figure of the 'hood [art. 20 par. 4] a minor who, although not legally belong to the Prelature, is formed as was already cash, with the consequence of causing damage on the development of his personality. And this, despite the Church were abolished minor seminaries, which were once popular, in fact, as a child. The aspirant, a minor, living as a numerary, choose an early age a lifelong commitment which binds him to decide not feasible at that age, such as that which excludes forever to marriage or to a normal and healthy emotional relationship.
SPIRITUAL DIRECTION: Against all the requirements of the Code of Canon Law of 1983, in the pastoral care of the Prelature there is a submission of the exercise of priestly ministry to the particulars of "government" of lay directors, which is charged the personal guidance of consciences of the faithful of the Prelature in their subject. A command the conscience is a group of lay people who say to be assisted by the Holy Spirit because of their particular charism. But under canon 129, CIC 1983, the same lack of sacred potestas who can not even get to the delegation of Opus Dei Vicari. [The 129 in par.1 can say that government is capable of the power of the clerics]

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY : I do not numeraries may, for reasons of good spirit, detachment from money and poverty, economically manage their assets and their income, so personal and independent, that is, directly.

It is said that Opus Dei is a powerful and rich. E 'is a myth or truth?
Many men, families that belong to the opera are wealthy, rich and powerful. At the same time, the Opus Dei is made up of people belonging to disadvantaged social groups, and their commitment is sincere and devout. In the wake of political and economic alliances that Opera has made with the institutional leaders in the Franco period in Spain, the prelate also now insists on the highest positions of power. You must also take into account the special carisma dell’istituzione, quello cioè di sviluppare un apostolato preferenziale con gli intellettuali e con la classe dirigente del Paese in cui si insedia. Per rispondere alla sua domanda: è verità che l’Opus Dei sia diventata ricca e potente, nonostante le defezioni di membri che, ad oggi, sta soffrendo. Sempre nel libro “Dentro l’Opus Dei” [capitolo Denaro e proprietà] delineo una prima ipotesi di mappatura immobiliare che fa capo all’Opera, in Italia.

In cosa consiste il “carisma” del fondatore e cosa significa Prelatura.
The Personal Prelature is a legal entity created in the years of Vatican II and introduced the latest edition of the Code of Canon Law [1983], because association of the faithful may take the configuration of a personal prelature these conditions must be met: to have serves to implement a specific pastoral works, consist of priests and deacons of the secular clergy, the presence of the laity is optional, it can not do that part through an incorporation itself but only through cooperation agreements. None of these elements is their Opus Dei. So some believe that the founder wanted the erection of the Opera prelature to just to get unprecedented autonomy within the Catholic church.
announced Escriva's charisma is the sanctification of ordinary work, in other words it is a "theme acetic" already widely used by the Benedictine rule of 'ora et labora ". Then the operator does not introduce any novelty in church membership.

What Opus Dei has specific characteristics compared with other Catholic organizations, such as Communion and Liberation, the Legionaries of Christ, Catholic Action, Focolare ...
In my opinion none, from the standpoint of Christian content. In terms of form and style, there are some differences: CL insist on the "sign" as represented by Christ, Focolare on the theme of 'unity', the Legionaries of Christ on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe militia to spread the Kingdom of God so

Now that you left Opus Dei, you still have contacts with active members? How do you feel and what advice to young people who want to pursue this path?
I keep sporadic contact and "Carbonari" con membri dell’Opera; qualcuno di loro mi scrive ma non certo per solidarietà o per sviluppare un’amicizia. Una di loro l’ultima volta che ci siamo sentite mi ha detto “non più di una volta l’anno, perché sono molto impegnata”.. Dopo l’uscita ho potuto incontrare rappresentanti dell’istituzione solo due volte, nel 1999 ho parlato con una numeraria dell’assessorato regionale, Franca Anti, che non mi ha neppure ricevuto nel centro dell’Opus Dei ma lungo la via Pagano di Milano per una chiacchierata che aveva l’obiettivo di sapere cosa stavo facendo e come mi stavo muovendo, con chi mantenevo rapporti all’interno dell’organizzazione. Un incontro che aveva l’obiettivo to find useful information to the Prelature. The second time I met briefly numeraries Opera was at the funeral of a close relative of mine in 2000. Ferrario and Anna Louise Francesconi attended the ceremony in the Church, soon after I offered them a coffee bar in front. Recently, I talk about three years ago, a representative of the institution asked me if he could come visit to meet my family. But the intent was not clear, it seemed an attempt to blunt the complaints that begin advertising the Work and its practice.

Who would take this path, if it is to be young and consiglierei di rivolgersi anche ad altre realtà della Chiesa per ricevere formazione cristiana, a confrontarsi con sacerdoti provenienti da altre esperienze religiose. Senz’altro di posticipare ad un momento successivo l’Ammissione nell’istituzione. Questo periodo di riflessione gli servirebbe per fare un serio discernimento vocazionale sulla proposta che i direttori gli avessero avanzato.


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