Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Can I Use My Kitchenaid To Make Fondant

Inside Opus Dei: Michael Allegri Emanuela Provera interview (part one)

I numerari non vanno a teatro, al cinema, allo stadio... consegnano al direttore qualunque regalo ricevano, including parents, every day for two hours wearing the hair shirt and whip on the buttocks once a week ... Opus Dei is a church in the Church ...
Michael Allegri

to know what the Opus Dei, considered by many a the richest and most powerful private organizations in the world, we met Emanuela Provera, author of "Inside Opus Dei" (Chiarelettere publisher). Emanuela Provera, 42, resident in Milan, a professional consultant, was numerary of Opus Dei, or did part of the central nucleus dell'Obra that the founder, Escriva De Balanguera called "the aristocracy of love."

Let's start from here, Emanuela. It 's true that numeraries are the aristocrats of love?
According to Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei, numeraries [unmarried members] are the staff of Christ, every Tuesday of the year performing together, kissing the rosary, Psalm 2, which is a psalm has resonances warriors, about to shake yokes, of conspiracies and plots, which tells of a God who laughs at his enemies: Quare fremuerunt gentes? Why do the nations conspire? .... It was customary that the Knights Templar played in the foot before going into battle, their shield restore the image of two soldiers sitting on the same horse and the founder used this "iconography" to indicate the mutual help that the brothers in the Work had to lend to each other. Compact like a pine cone against the evil of the world and the obsession with the degeneration of post-conciliar Church is too "modern." If this is aristocracy, then you, me, us, they were part.
While the beginning of the Opera [1928] Escrivá "sees" that God tells him to accept the numerary member in the institution, in 1948 [ie twenty years after the foundation] the doors are open to members married, supernumerary. That's why early numeraries were considered "members in the strict sense" and remain the cornerstone in the government of Opus Dei.
Sometimes, when I was of the Opera, I had the feeling that define us "aristocrats of love" was just a bonus to compensate for the annoying and unnecessary moments of sadness and "sterile heroism" of that life.

What steps should a person do to join Opus Dei? You enter by co-option? Tell us, briefly, what was your path, that is, how did you come to this reality?
I know the work in England, during a learning vacation, I have participated in this activity as a result of contacts that my family had had with people of the Prelature. The first step for the educational activities of the Work done through friendships with members who are already part and do not always cover aspects of training cristiana. E’ più frequente che l’avvicinamento avvenga tramite un’attività culturale, ricreativa, professionale o di studio. Piano piano, dopo che le direttrici mi avevano selezionato secondo criteri ben precisi, sono stata condotta per un “ piano inclinato” che prevede un sempre maggiore coinvolgimento interiore nei modi e negli spazi dell’Opera. Nel capitolo “La caccia” del libro “Dentro l’Opus Dei” ho descritto nei particolari le tappe del cosiddetto “piano inclinato”. Nel percorso che ho fatto c’è stato un momento,che è durato qualche mese, in cui ho subito pressione psicologica e manipolazione della coscienza attraverso un’attività di controllo mentale che, nell’Opera, viene mitigata con la direzione spirituale, prassi da sempre praticata nell’ascetica cristiana.

Come si vive nei centri dell’Opus Dei? E’ vero che i numerari portano il cilicio, come si legge nel romanzo “Il Codice da Vinci” di Dan Brown?
Nei centri dell’Opus Dei si vive una vita che non è normale , cioè diversa da quella di un comune cittadino laico. Nonostante Giuseppe Corigliano, portavoce ufficiale della prelatura, continui a sostenere il contrario affermando che “la nostra cifra è la normalità”. Descrivere le minuziose consuetudini che costellano la vita del numerario richiede troppo spazio, esemplifico con brevi note per dare l’idea dell’ anomalia generata da un spiritualità che si professa “laica”ma non lo è affatto: tutti i giorni dell’anno ci si alza ad ora fissa, stabilita dalla direttrice; insieme alle altre sorelle si fa mezz’ora di meditazione prima di assistere alla santa Messa; ogni settimana tutti i numerari si confessano con un sacerdote numerario ma, se ne “avessero bisogno”, ogni mattina lo stesso prete è disponibile per ascoltarli, assolverli da colpe o liberarli da scrupoli di coscienza; partecipano al circolo breve nel quale viene impartita training in the spirit of the Opera, they can only listen without taking part, they are read in Latin, which are 26 questions for a personal examination of conscience Emendatio followed by any [public request for forgiveness for their minor deficiencies] numeraries not go to the theater, cinema, stadium [the latter, in my opinion, is a good practice, but should not be imposed], read only books allowed, deliver to the Director to receive any gifts from anyone, including parents, do not add up to live with their family of origin if they had desire or need [events or special circumstances are required to obtain a return home, which for some never occur]; every day wearing a hair shirt for 2 hours and whip on the buttocks once a week [at certain times of the year even more often] in the centers of Opus Dei is neither protected in their private life because, through the practice of " fraternal dialogue "is said or done any thought or intention to its director and the priest .... On the management of economic issues is living practices that often are at the limit of the fraud, other than the fact that normally numeraries can not have a personal account or if they can not quite manage it independently. Can not be holders of life insurance policies and if I am obliged for professional reasons, must agree with the directors because the beneficiary died. The total absence of an affective or emotional life, the constant monitoring of the emotional sphere, which results most often in a severe repression in the formation of immature and childish personality. The condition of celibacy, as experienced by numeraries, total absence of sexual experience, often result in phobias, obsessions and illness. And so on.

In your opinion, is the Opus Dei, which influence the Vatican, or vice versa?
The tour highlights historical and legal institution la ricerca di un delicato equilibrio tra due “forze” che agiscono per rafforzare la propria immagine e salvaguardia di interessi non sempre solo “spirituali”. Per l’ottenimento della veste giuridica di prelatura personale [1982] mi sento di affermare con certezza che l’Opus Dei ha influenzato la Santa Sede.

E’ possibile che rappresenti una Chiesa nella Chiesa?
E’ improprio definire l’Opera “chiesa nella chiesa”; non si può paragonare l’Opus Dei ad una diocesi o a una chiesa particolare e mi spiego meglio facendo due esempi concreti relativi al regime of the prelature
  • the "unique pastoral activities" that works, are, to name but a few, retreat houses, schools, colleges, universities founded on Catholic principles, promotion of social activities for men or women living in so-called "developing countries" ... initiatives already invented in the past decades by many Catholic organizations. In addition, each diocesan bishop, responsible for pastoral care of the faithful, if it wanted, could promote in their dioceses, as indeed happened in some cases, the same action carried out by Opus Dei.
  • The faithful of the Prelature are subject to the ordinary pastoral care of the diocesan bishop the same way as any other faithful Catholic does not belong to the Opera and the responsibility of every bishop the power to prohibit the installation of "corporate works" of the Prelature , to inspect the "speakers" in the centers of the Opera, and since it must ensure that they meet the rights and duties to their loyal, receive complaints of abuse that may have suffered, for example, members of the Opera.
There would therefore ask what is the necessity "as a Prelature Opus Of that "peculiar" and which has nothing prelate Echevarría accidentally Cilibia bishop of a diocese of the Romanian just over 1000 inhabitants.

... continues in the next post ... REBUS

Maurizio Decollanz interview Emanuela Provera
to present his book:


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