There is a Mediterranean country which has a long history. Today its economy is in crisis and corruption undermines its institutions. The crime is increasing. Young people fear for their future and many are forced to leave to find work. To power is an old man, probably ill. E 'is very rich and the country as if it belonged to him. E 'haunted-looking body and becomes an actor when he speaks. Controls almost all media. Around has only employees who do not dare to contradict or criticize. He likes to go on TV and loves to be surrounded by beautiful girls. It is' a friend of dictators over the world. He himself is a dictator. It has no intention of leaving the chair . The his sons are ready to take its place. The only way to put away Gaddafi could only be a revolution.
Monday, February 28, 2011
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Jewel contended. That is: the strange argument that brings us to April 6
Never give the jewel to their lovers. Especially if there is a risk that they may know or meet. And 'one of the rules under which the faithless must follow. Many people know that someone, obviously not.
La storia che conduce alla data del 6 aprile prossimo, quando il Tribunale di Milano tenterà di processare Silvio Berlusconi , comincia con un litigio tra due donne che condividono lo stesso un rapporto con lo stesso uomo.
E' la sera del 5 giugno 2010 e tra una ragazza che tutti conoscono come Ruby e una brasiliana di nome Michelle scoppia una rissa violenta. Le due abitano nello stesso appartamento, ma il teatro dello scontro è un ristorante, davanti a molta gente. Volano parole grosse: si danno della put., della tro., ma soprattutto della ladra. L'oggetto conteso è una collana. La lite è furibonda e qualcuno chiama the Police.
Let's step back now, the night of May 27, just over a week ago. The main characters are still their Ruby and Michelle. Fourth last ended up in police headquarters in Milan, accused of theft. The Brazilian is with her, gets down on one side, takes the phone and dials the number of man that can or should help them. From Paris responds Silvio Berlusconi. Michelle, already identified by investigators as a prostitute, he warns that his roommate minor risk unpleasant consequences.
The rancor between the two was born out of mutual accusations of theft a jewel a necklace in white gold cross diamonds produced by Recarlo Valenza Po. "It's' my - no, it's mine" - "thief" - even in the face repeated to investigators. One of two minds, think of those who are questioning.
Or maybe not. Perhaps both say the truth. But how is this possible?
In Valenza Po immediately recognize that jewel. They're aware of all their products, sure, but that was an unexpected success. A particularly important and wealthy client has bought 100 copies. At a cost of 2400 € in the series, I hope he 246mila € in one fell swoop. But who is this? Probably had to do homage to several Mr Silvio Berlusconi, said in Valenza Po
They did not know, Michelle and Ruby, but both were right. They did not know that those disputes would have led to the date of April 6, with consequences that we have yet to discover. But one thing is certain and clear: never give the jewel to their lovers.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Im Inlove With You Quotes
I think and European Ministers, meanwhile, will die in Libya case
Fernando Termentini *
History repeats itself. Europe is thinking, as in the past in the Balkans during the siege of Sarajevo ed il genocidio in Kosovo. Ora, i Ministri europei stanno valutando le possibili ipotesi di intervento in Libia a favore della popolazione e l’Unione e gli USA si limitano a lanciare avvertimenti al governo libico con scarsi risultati. Dall’inizio dell’anno è scoppiata la rivolta in tutta l’Africa settentrionale, a ridosso dei confini meridionali italiani, spagnoli, maltesi e greci, che, interpretando Schengen, dovrebbero coincidere con quelli dell’Unione Europea.
Moti di piazza sicuramente non improvvisati che hanno evidenziato un’organizzazione ed un coordinamento di all respect if only because in both countries within one or two weeks they managed to exile powerful force in government for thirty years. European Union and the United States seemed almost surprised by what happened and how it happened. Perhaps fearing the intrusion of Wikileaks had been distorted by the diplomatic communications or intelligence from Tunis, Algiers, and Cairo and the house of cards has collapsed suddenly. Even the European delegations with their offices in Cairo, Tunis and Algiers have provided food for thought Union warning. The tidal wave, however, is immediately propagated to the south and even this has taken everyone by surprise, although many analysts since by early January had planned and written. From February 17 to Libya is on fire, in Benghazi, Tripoli, on the southern shores of the Mediterranean will die and EU ministers have only now begun to think. They have to decide without reference to a minimum although contingency planning that would be available if, instead, could immediately set in motion important initiatives. Nothing even to address the problem of predictable migration on European shores and not only Italian rather than Greek, Maltese and English, despite the fact that since 2007 there is the European External Borders Fund, which provides, inter alia, to ensure the organization efficient control and surveillance external boundaries. Not even a basic planning for the evacuation of EU citizens residing in regions certainly "not peaceful", many expatriates to treat Europeans as well as national interests. NATO and Clinton did load stopping a civil war in the Balkans and of appropriating a role that was supposed to be Europe, but the "European Holding" even then he needed time to think. Obama, perhaps today more involved in managing the Shia Iranians than to the events in North Africa is proving to not want to be responsible, at least for the time being, problems overseas. Europe continues to think, as in Tripoli and almost dies 5000 europei sono in attesa di essere evacuati. Speriamo che almeno si stia almeno valutando l’ipotesi che ai confini europei potrebbe addensarsi la nube di una possibile radicalizzazione islamica.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tech Deck Beat Account
Tenco: the interview "BOMB" by Paolo Bonolis Arrigo Molinari (Domenica In)
di La Verde Isola *
Premetto che molte delle cose che dice Molinari nell'intervista, sono vere.
E' vero che quell'anno come gli anni precedenti si scommetteva sulle canzonette e c'era un giro piuttosto GROSSO di miliardi ( che Tenco avrebbe denunciato l'indomani in una conferenza facendo nomi e cognomi ).
E' vero anche che i vertici della Rai esercitarono delle pressioni quella notte per sbarazzarsi di quel cadavere scomodo.
Molinari asserisce che Zatterin ( già defunto all'epoca della sua intervista, facile bersaglio dunque ) minacciò di chiamare il Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri e di farlo "estromettere" se lui non avesse rimosso il corpse, then he "scared" could not act otherwise. It may also be true and I do not doubt it, but there is something wrong: according to the interview that you heard, Arrigo Molinari said, however, have shown the corpse in the room to challenge the decision to continue the Festival.
... But as he was not afraid that Zatterin called the "battery" and / or the Presidency of the Council of Ministers?
Of course not. Arrigo Molinari was a license-holder of the P2.
The P2 was in command throughout, Molinari could therefore fear a "threat" to anyone they also come from the pope?
It 'not credible.
So it is hardly credible that the body was brought back to room by Molinari NOT to take photos but to "challenge" the decision of the vertices Rai not to stay the festival: in fact came to the photo- 04:15 after the return of the corpse in the room, measurements were made with the crime scene by now "without any legal value. "The Commissioner would have us believe that he was a" naive "but I am not that naive in the P2, there were characters Naive, let alone sold short.
a Precise else : Marco Benedetto CEO of Republic in 2004 but at the time was a journalist, ANSA, and calls to Molinari's request to be informed if by chance something had happened that night. Molinari in fact the first thing he does when I know the news is called the loop. Question: how did he suppose Marco Benedetto that night might have something happen? This important point. Molinari himself admits it. Those who work must bend to the news first of course, but I doubt that every night at Marco Benedetto Molinari telephoned to remind him every time the same thing. Why that night? While Molinari just the Ansa news agency and warns if it is true that quarrels with Zatterin who wants to hide everything and if it is true that Molinari is the corpse back on the scene, because Molinari had an interest that would spread the news as much as possible? It was perhaps the only way to immediately learn what had happened to the bodies of the lodge to which he belonged to let you know that the dreaded press conference Tenco there would have been, and which bets could continuare indisturbate in tutta Italia?
Ho aspettato tanto, credo anni, prima di pubblicare quest'intervista ma prima volevo mettere a posto alcuni tasselli che fino a poco tempo fa mancavano. Cercherò di spiegarvi in maniera semplice "tutti gli ingranaggi" complessi che ruotano intorno a quest'intervista e a questa vicenda, se però non sto attento, rischio di annebbiare ulteriormente le idee che avete costruito e metabolizzato in questi anni nella vostra testa riguardo la questione.
Molinari accusa il Festival ed i vertici della Rai per tutto quello che successe quella notte ma la pistola diversa sotto i glutei di Tenco do not put it Zatterin. E 'then true that Rai has done "pressure" but he too has its problems.
Molinari "talks" on several occasions of illegal betting and we know that is true (so much so that the Tenco was reported the next day with a lot of names and surnames), but his feet under the bureau does not put them certainly Rai, just as it is not because of the Festival that lacerated contused wounds on the face of Tenco were not reported on the scientific report.
Rai has certainly had responsibilities in the rental Tenco negligence but more are all to pay tribute to Commissioner Molinari:
- warn the Ansa Tenco's suicide before going to see the corpse;
- did draw a false report of the scientific, however, where there is not even the mysterious "suicide note" that it will not be found by Molinari in the room but will be delivered by "third" coming from room 104 of Dalida (effectively making the body of dubious origin of the crime). On the same report, there is no mention of the obvious wounds on the face of the singer. So there was a heavy CONCEALMENT OF EVIDENCE referred sincerely believe that Rai has to do very little.
We come to the point:
Commissioner Molinari interview listed above get all the blame on Rai.
Rai But these accusations seem to digest well. He never replied and never denied the crimes attributed to him.
Rather strangely for 44 years PUMP THE LIE OF THE SUICIDE OF TENCO through its three national networks quietly taking all the blame.
This is una domanda che mi pongo da diversi anni e sono arrivato ad una precisa conclusione:
che scaricare tutte le colpe sulla Rai Radio Televisione Italiana in fondo non danneggia nessuno, neanche la Rai stessa. Ormai sono passati 44 anni, e dare la colpa alla pressione "del Festival" è decisamente "più indolore" per tutti. Appare altresì strano che quando "irriducibili" complottisti incalzano con l'omicidio di Tenco e guadagnano terreno, in una delle tre reti appaiano, "precisi" come un orologio svizzero, seducenti SERVIZI SUL SUICIDIO DI TENCO. le colpe ricadessero anche sul Commissario, allora le cose cambierebbero perchè apparirebbe assai palese che quella notte lui simulate a suicide has non-existent.
I believe that Mr Molinari spoke "incomplete" and has played his cards well by Bonolis. Think, he shot to zero on RAI RAI state TV ... and did not "react" or say a word on the matter.
When this happens, you'd think that nothing happens by accident. Molinari knows it, blaming the weak does not penalize the weak. It may seem like a twisted mind but it is a clear demonstration that you have this interview finally, after so many years had the good fortune to hear. I hope that this time the institutions we read and put an end to this absurd farce ... because that is the fault of A or B, we do not care, what interests us is that the magistrate to reopen the case Tenco (as it should be clear after the accusations and heavy) and validated on the basis of our strong elements including 5 extra we published in these three years, the murder of Luigi Tenco against persons unknown.
solution "painless" that could put an end forever to the forty year ... "contest."
* The Green Island
THE "TEST 5" of the murder of Luigi Tenco:
Monday, February 21, 2011
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The spreading Islamic revolution
Fernando Termentini *
These days the applicant has read how the Internet has facilitated the spread of 'Islamic wave of revolt that, after having crossed the North Africa, Libya is undergoing and heads blow out Middle East touching Barheim . An assessment in part acceptable, perhaps too simplistic and that in certain respects contributed initially to underestimate the real risk that the world is running early this year, since the events of Maghreb.
The front of the freak wave is proving to be much more extensive than one might initially suppose, a clear sign that over the Internet are playing a key role, other extremist groups that may have been allies with Al Qaeda, Islamic subversive organizations as long protagonists throughout Central Africa.
hypothesis confirmed by the scanty and fragmentary images that even come from Cyrenaica along with reports of hundreds of deaths from the careless use of military weapons into the crowd, attributed to time at a government job to mercenaries. The photograph of a paramilitary fighter in blue overalls killed yesterday in Benghazi and published by many news agencies recalls, physical features, equipment and techniques for fighting the mercenaries from Tchiad and Niger in the past used in the carnage against Christians in Nigeria, Darfur and southern Sudan, many of them Islamic extremists to clan rooted in Africa, some Arab countries and also from the Balkans after Dayton.
Iran, for its part, fears of being "the shore of the port" of 'revolutionary wave and try to avoid it with a pragmatic approach by exploiting the emotion of what is happening in Africa to cover the crackdowns inside. The religious leader Khamenei expressed his solidarity with the Muslim brothers in Africa but at the same time he has shot up in Tehran who try to imitate their behaviors. An Iran that could soon face a situation similar to that Libyan and be armed with the power also repressing le timide iniziative popolari di riempire la piazza. Come riportato dall’agenzia iraniana Irna, si arresta la figlia dell’ex Presidente della Repubblica Akbar Rafsanjani da sempre critico nei confronti di Ahmadinejad mentre la guida suprema del Paese arringa la folla e denuncia il pericolo che l’Occidente con in testa l’USA, stia approfittando della situazione dei movimenti popolari dell’Africa settentrionale per destabilizzare la regione ed insediare nuovi leader amici. Un Iran che cerca di allontanare lo tsunami dal proprio territorio spingendo le minoranze sciite sparse nel mondo a ribellarsi alle dominanze sunnite. Un esempio è quanto sta avvenendo in Barheim, proprio di fronte alle coste iraniane e quasi a ridosso delle acque territoriali Tehran.
Here's Shiite organization Wefaq are rejecting any proposal for mediation of the King Hamad and ask for his resignation. Maybe the protest began as bread riots is moving to assert more and more Islamic radicalism that, starting from Iran and Libya, could regain possession of all the African countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea from where, then, look to the north - east to Muslim brothers in Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and the Balkans in Europe. A revolutionary network that could spread to the rest of the Islamic world, involving the Sudan, the 'Indonesia, the Islamic republics of Central Asia and the minorities of the Far East, with devastating effects on Western economies and international security.
* Fernando Termentini is a General Officer of the Italian Army Reserve. He attended the Military Academy. E 'degree in Strategic Sciences and during his career he was involved in all activities connected with the grades covered as officers of Corps of Engineers. He gained particular national and international experience in the field of explosives and rehabilitation of territories polluted by the presence of mines and unexploded ordnance exploded. Currently fornisce consulenza nel settore della bonifica, si occupa di analisi di rischio connesso alla minaccia terroristica convenzionale e non ed alle problematiche tecniche operative dell’impiego degli IED (Improvised Explosive Device). E’ autore di numerose pubblicazioni e studi consultabili attraverso il suo sito
Sunday, February 13, 2011
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Internet for free. One hundred signatures to create the city network (Saturday, February 12, 2011)
administrative pordenone 2011:
administrative pordenone 2011:
" San Vito al Tagliamento - Target achieved in the evening, the Committee for Free Wi-Fi in San Vito al Tagliamento, founded by Carlo Marino and Mark Eramo with the aim of asking the City build a free WiFi network.
In less than five hours to collect signatures in Piazza del Popolo, the Committee has reached a hight of one hundred accessions required to submit for the attention of the City Council. "
Friday, February 11, 2011
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The "Little Louisiana" where everyone is silent on Sardinian (history of the environmental disaster caused by oil tanker Esmeralda)
di Betty Galanti
Mentre i giornali e i video-notiziari si preoccupano del gossip, tra un gluteo di Belèn and a love of some tissue, you live in Sardinia for the past one month a surreal situation, which no one seems to want to talk.
all began 's January 11 this year, when the tanker Esmeralda, during a refueling at the dock of the German company E.On., due to a leak in the pipes, poured in water is a 'huge amounts of oil for the power of the Holy River.
From that moment on was put in place a huge operation to cover up the incident.
Initially, in fact, there was talk of a spill of ten tons of oil. The official data are then passed to thirty thousand liters. But today, thanks to the data of civil protection, we know that the loss of fuel is around about the fifty-five thousand liters! ... And not only the fuel lost at sea is not exactly what we talked about initially: it is not oil, but Orimulsion, an emulsion with high hydrocarbon content from Venezuela and now absolutely illegal according to the guidelines europee, tanto che nella stessa centrale di Fiume Santo ne fu interdetto l’utilizzo già nel 2000, quando un altro enorme disastro ambientale ebbe luogo silenziosamente. La Regione Sardegna, tuttavia, ha successivamente proposto una serie continua di deroghe affinché l’orimulsion venisse ancora utilizzato dalla centrale tedesca, in barba alle normative europee e al trend mondiale, che considera questo combustibile assolutamente obsoleto e inutilizzabile ormai da anni, tanto che al momento gli unici ad utilizzarlo sono i cinesi. Perché queste dergohe suicide?
We discover in an article published on the web:
"In the month of June were paid by E. On, as an advance tax IRAP and" Robin tax "of € 25.5 million, which add to the approximately 50 million euro paid in November 2009. To this figure must be added also the amount paid by E. On Italy Spa, the holding company of the group, who left in July to € 13.2 million in Sardinia. "(Http:// / why-the-silence /).
The German company has raised the alarm solo dopo 36 ore dallo sversamento, cosa che ha chiaramente aggravato la situazione, senza considerare che, essendo l’orimulsion un carburante scarsamente utilizzato, non esistono al momento protocolli di bonifica. L’emulsione inoltre, essendo molto densa, non resta in superficie, ma tende a sprofondare a circa 80 cm sotto il livello dell’acqua, sino a depositarsi sui bassi fondali.
Lo spettacolo che oggi si può vedere lungo ben 18 km di costa è raccapricciante.
Spiagge ricoperte di catrame, pesci agonizzanti, acque oleose. Spettacolo che inizialmente the police have tried to avoid it were apparent, prohibits anyone who is preparing to photograph or even come close to affected areas, such as the beach Platamona.
It seems that even a large black spot in Corsica has been sighted since.
But Environment Minister Prestigiacomo denies any danger. Tell fact that the situation has been rectified, and all in Sardinia wonder how, since the operation of reclamation was almost insignificant and ridiculous. Twenty-five boats available to clean up the first day of the accident, the ministry has only one charge, the technicians who work to collect bags full of tar (to date have been collected 600 kg) have abandoned the bags on the banks of beaches, and the tide has set in the ocean, looking for areas polluted with helicopters and planes without considering that the emulsion does not remain afloat, but falls in the seabed, are sent divers to search for oil in the accumulation of material dell, and clear water are clean because no one has thought that the Asinara si trova a nord del luogo dell’incidente, e pertanto è impossibile che vi siano tracce di emulsione: in Sardegna, infatti, soffiano venti di maestrale e di grecale, cioè venti da nord ovest e da nord est!!! Per trovare residui a Nord occorrerebbero venti provenienti da sud! Ma la Prestigiacomo conferma che il pericolo è scampato e tutto è risolto e così nessuno parla di questo smisurato disastro: si ha paura di danneggiare il turismo, la pesca e di fare la solita figura dei buffoni.
Intanto leggiamo sul quotidiano “La Nuova Sardegna” che tankers take advantage of the disaster area to clean up their tanks! Finally a few days ago the situation in Sardinia becomes increasingly surreal: January 28th, in fact, a truck coming from Alfa Steels of Brescia, in the establishment of Portovesme comes with a load of waste radioactive isotopes of cesium content 137, to be used such as fuel! You open another investigation. We wonder how it is possible? Here too, the Region of Sardinia has signed the usual exceptions, in exchange for what is' needless to say.
And while all is quiet in the media, the artists of the Ex-Queen of Sassari screaming their Operation Black Fish: a huge black whale made from bags of tar collected in the beach of Sassari Platamona to sensitize public opinion, which now has only item on the web .
Thursday, February 10, 2011
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question for written answer of the reserve officer of the Armed Forces appointed to meet Defence Minister Ignazio La Russa.
passed to the Minister of Defense on December 14, 2010 written response to your query (link ) presented to the House of Representatives by Hon Borghesi and presented last October 28, 2010.
This important act of inspection bodies prepared by Carlo Marino (spokesman of the issue to the Parliament), was initially addressed to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy concerning the officers of the armed forces are part of the Forces of Completion (the so-called Reserves ).
It is hoped that the Minister Ignazio La Russa, always very attentive to matters relating to the military to respond quickly to these reserve officer (with his back to the calling periods service ranging from a minimum of three years until you get to eight years) and who have waited for years for regulatory action on the matter.
passed to the Minister of Defense on December 14, 2010 written response to your query (link ) presented to the House of Representatives by Hon Borghesi and presented last October 28, 2010.
This important act of inspection bodies prepared by Carlo Marino (spokesman of the issue to the Parliament), was initially addressed to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy concerning the officers of the armed forces are part of the Forces of Completion (the so-called Reserves ).
It is hoped that the Minister Ignazio La Russa, always very attentive to matters relating to the military to respond quickly to these reserve officer (with his back to the calling periods service ranging from a minimum of three years until you get to eight years) and who have waited for years for regulatory action on the matter.
Monday, February 7, 2011
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Jack the Ripper and the Monster of Florence: the disturbing similarities in the crimes
Paolo Franceschetti
The Murders Monster of Florence, together with those of Jack the Ripper, are the ones that have attracted public attention in this century. They have many similarities, and in fact they are both crimes committed by members of the Order of the Red Rose.
The first person who spotted the similarities and formulated a hypothesis in this sense (ie identifying the Golden Dawn, and the Red Rose, as a link between the two events) was Joseph Cosco, who wrote on his blog the article: Monster of Florence and Jack the Ripper, disturbing similarities.
Little time passed and Joseph morì.
Giuseppe Cosco, che scrisse l'articolo "Jack lo Squartatore
e il Mostro di Firenze: inquietanti analogie"
Le analogie sono state ben comprese anche dal regista del film "From Hell - La vera storia di Jack lo Squartatore".
Nel film, infatti, quando muore una delle vittime si vede chiaramente il vestito, su cui compaiono delle evidenti rose rosse. In un'altra scene at the grave of the victim is thrown a red rose. The victims are always offered the grapes, and it is clear the reference to the grapevine inserted into the vagina of a victim of the Monster of Florence, as there is an obvious reference to the place vui victims were killed (along with a vineyard, just ).
But the similarities between the two events are not just those highlighted by Cosco in his article. There are actually many more, and much more glaring.
Both in the story of Florence in the London are similarities in terms of actors involved, in both cases in the group of suspects are:
1) a doctor (Francesco Narducci in the first case, Michael Ostrog in the second, but in the movie From Hell is assumed another track, always linked to a doctor);
2) a writer (Alberto Bevilacqua for the crimes of Florence and Oscar Wilde eg those in London);
3) a painter (Claude Falbriand for the crimes and Walter Sickert Italian to English ones).
Another analogy is not just that the crimes of the Monster of Florence apparently seem to end with the discovery of the corpse of Narducci in Lake Trasimeno, the crimes of Jack the Ripper seem to end in 1888 with the discovery in waters of the Thames John Druitt.
For John Druitt you think of suicide, as Narducci, but we know that the runways next door elsewhere.
Curiously, even John Druitt was the son of a doctor, as Narducci. Equally curiously, in both cases it turned out that they were part of an organization esoteric, and suggested that they had been eliminated by the same organization to which they belonged, because by then had become uncomfortable. Druitt faces seem esoteric part of a group called "The Apostles", and Narducci just seems to be part of the Red Rose.
In both cases we assumed a certain point the track esoteric and satanic. For the Monster of Florence, remember that the track esoteric and links with the Red Rose are made even by the commissioner who handled the case, Michele Giuttari, in his book "The Monster".
Another similarity was the attitude of the press. In both cases, the newspapers are dealing with the bottom of the case, but, after an initial "support" for the investigators, then we moved to a destructive phase, defamatory, charged with failure and so on.
This attitude finds its cause in a factor which again is common ad entrambe le vicende. Infatti i sospetti degli investigatori si accentrarono di volta in volta su personaggi sempre diversi, che poi inevitabilmente venivano scagionati.
Il che è logico, perché gli inquirenti partivano dall'errato presupposto che si trattasse di delitti seriali, di un maniaco. Ovviamente non potevano ipotizzare che si trattasse di un'organizzazione strutturata, efficiente, di rilievo addirittura internazionale, e che i delitti fossero compiuti da più persone contemporaneamente.
Quindi, nella logica semplicistica del serial killer unico, quando gli indizi portavano a qualcuno nuovo, questo escludeva che il precedente indiziato fosse coinvolto. A maggior ragione, se the suspect was in custody, the fulfillment of another crime he did immediately exonerate, as with Vincenzo Spalletti, who is jailed but released when the killers will strike again. A similar fate will befall Francesco Vinci.
And another analogy is misleading on the incredible, pollution investigation, detection and protection at the highest level where the killers enjoyed so much that it is now clear that the instigators of the crimes of the monster were not Narducci and Calamandrei some, but people at the highest levels of government.
Besides, some special smaller match.
The killers took place all in London's Whitechapel (white chapel), one of the crimes of the Monster of Florence took place in Villa Bianca, for that matter, the famous house of which so much was said and who was placed under seizure, was (and is) a beautiful villa was completely white.
The victims suffered severe mutilation, but in both cases the bodies there was no sign of sexual violence. And in both cases the mutilations are done by expert hands (this is because in both cases we heard of a surgeon and is investigated in the medical environment).
Sia al procuratore Silvia Della Monica, a Firenze, che agli investigatori di Londra, vennero inviate per posta delle parti di cadavere.
Insomma. Queste due vicende non solo sono state volute dalla stessa organizzazione esoterica, l'Ordine della Rosa Rossa e della Croce d'Oro, ma hanno seguito andamenti molto simili tra loro; uccisioni molto simili, stesse tappe, stesse vicende, stessi protagonisti, e stesse conclusioni, quasi come un remake, come un film già visto. Come se fosse stato seguito un copione preciso fin dall'inizio.
Un film che poi ha lo stesso finale, perchè nessuno ha mai capito Who is the murderess. This makes sense, because the killers are many, and sponsors can be found at the highest levels of the state, making it impossible to understand the actual truth.
hypothesis on the motive.
to see things from this angle, however, is plain to see clearly an apparent inconsistency.
not square the fact that this organization or the Order of the Red Rose and Golden Cross, born in the Golden Dawn, has the power to silence all that concerns it and then you do not explains why these crimes has been made in the light of the sun, with echoes of great press.
recall for example that long ago said that the Tg were found the bodies of three prostitutes in garbage bags, cut to pieces. At the news was given a few seconds, and only when the reporter mentioned the idea of \u200b\u200ba serial killer, but nobody took care of each other.
In Rome, in the '80s, twelve women were killed in two years, crimes which, by the way they were similar to those of the Monster (and behind them was almost certainly the Red Rose) but everything was hushed up. This is recounted in the article:
In other words, when a ritual murder committed by the Red Rose deva drop silence (so almost always, except for the usual corny crimes Cogne, Erba, Meredith and Garlasco) , silence falls. Inexorably. And without that no journalist will deal really.
Besides, in my brief experience in these years, I learned much more brutal massacres perpetrated by those in London and Florence, and that no newspaper or TV news has never been occupied.
So it is natural to wonder why, however, for these crimes, there has been media echo this, and is equally natural to think that this echo was absolutely intentional.
The question is why? Because the organization wanted to give the story fed to the media?
We considerations and then we draw our conclusions.
A striking to reflect on these crimes, which are both crimes of the Red Rose, but also plain to see the location.
London: site of Birth of the Golden Dawn. The Red Rose is in fact equity in 1887 by William Wynn Westcott (who was a member of the Rosicrucian Society in England), Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers and William Robert Woodman.
Florence esoteric place, which was the birthplace of Dante, one who gives inspiration to many of the crimes of the Red Rose, which is considered one of the fathers of the Rosicrucians.
summary ... The serial killings that occurred more we talked about in the cities symbol of the Golden Dawn and Rosicrucians, whose GD is a subsidiary.
Non può essere un caso che su migliaia di città in Europa, i delitti di maggiore impatto su un intero continente, siano stati commessi proprio nelle città simbolo dell'organizzazione che li ha ideati ed eseguiti.
E a questo punto, il rilievo mediatico dato alla vicenda non può essere casuale, ma deve necessariamente essere voluto, come parte integrante del significato esoterico di questi delitti.
In realtà è probabilmente corretto affermare che le due città sono state scelte proprio perché sono fondamentali per la Golden Dawn.
A livello esoterico, infatti, uccidere le vittime serve ad accrescere the energy of those who kill, and organization.
When the crimes are relevant and are repeated in the TV media in all ways, on an esoteric level there is an amplification of the esoteric meaning of them.
In that sense, I think he's right when he says Gabriella Carlizzi that these crimes are being made to mark their territory.
A page. 135, Gabriella Carlizzi book "Business is reserved for the Monster of Florence", we find the explanation of certain crimes. With reference to the murder of French pair Jean-Michel and Nadine Kravechvili Mauriot Carlizzi supports the two Frenchmen who were chosen to "fertilize" French territory, that is to strengthen the power of esoteric organization in France.
The hypothesis is plausible, in this case the same is true for the two German victims Wilhelm Horst Meyer, and Jens-Uwe Rusch.
In other words, these two events served to sanctify the areas of London and Florence, consecrating them to the Red Rose, and increasing the strength of the organization for its own purposes to come.
E to deploy the beneficial effects of these crimes not only to the Italian territory, but also in other areas where the Red Rose is more powerful, namely Germany and France (then remember that it is in Kassel, Germany, the Rosicrucians are the first public appearance, while France is the country where was born the Order of the Qabalistic Rosicrucians, founded by Stanislav De Guaita and Papus).
These crimes were to be publicized as much as possible, as this esoteric level increases the benefits of "ritual", in every sense.
So the geographical location of these crimes, and their media coverage, were undoubtedly linked to the importance that these two sites receiving for the whole organization of the Red Rose.
So give media response to these crimes means weaken the energies of the listener the Tg or reading the newspaper, and this weakening of these organizations actually increase their strength.
A little 'as some television on Sunday sent the Holy Mass, the Red Rose has often by the media value of certain events to be emphasized in esoteric art to the effects of these rituals are common on the population.
The same is true for all the crimes to which it is given wide media response.
is then to explain the transmission of over 30 Bruno Vespa on the Cogne case, for example.
And here's why the Monster of Florence news, hypothesis, research, scoop, etc. ... are still not appeased.
summary, therefore, the Monster of Florence Murders and those of Jack the Ripper murders were ritual, which were used to sanctify the territories in London and Florence, while the clamor in the newspapers and TV, was used to amplify the effects of this ritual, esoteric propagation effects, citizenship.
The killings, and all the subsequent consequences, including then l'immenso clamore dei mass media, sono state in realtà pianificate e volute e facevano parte del piano, fin dall'inizio.
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Friday, February 4, 2011
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Zeitgeist Future By Design (in Italian) - when the policy leaves the Making the place of man for man
Future By Design , un documentario del 2006 sulla vita di Jacque Fresco , diretto dal regista candidato al premio oscar William Gazecki . Il film è stato doppiato dal Movimento Zeitgeist Italia . Un ringraziamento speciale va al team di traduzioni, a TheWise e il suo team di doppiaggio.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011
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Hell: Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel murders rituals (the similarities with the Monster of Florence)
of Michael Allegri
In 1888, the neighborhood di Whitechapel, nell’East End di Londra, fu sconvolto dagli efferati omicidi di quattro prostitute: Polly Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride e Catharine Eddowes. I delitti, la loro modalità di esecuzione, mostravano l’accanimento maniacale dell’assassino verso le sue vittime femminili che furono strangolate e sgozzate con la precisione di un chirurgo e, come in un antico rito sacrificale, furono squartate per prelevare alcune delle loro parti anatomiche: il cuore, la lingua, i seni, gli intestini, l’utero e la vulva. Vicino alle vittime furono trovati anche strani indizi: tralci di uva rossa, lembi di un grembiule di bianca e cruda pelle di vitello, sassi disposti circolarmente, una pietra simile ad una piramide truncated.
It is perhaps the first documented case of a crime-historically serial killer.
A particularly chilling reconnect these crimes of 1800 with the recent Italian: the same mode of action and the same scenes the crime were found, in fact, even in the Monster of Florence Murders 80s.
But back to the case of the late nineteenth century. The killer of prostitutes, after ogni delitto, era solito sfidare la polizia inviando lettere nelle quali scriveva, col sangue delle vittime, alcune frasi sconclusionate, deridendo gli investigatori che, a suo dire, non avrebbero mai scoperto la sua identità e, al contempo, invitandoli a fermarlo. Un atteggiamento psicotico comune nei delitti seriali.
Il testo di ogni lettera era preceduto dalla frase From Hell , dall’inferno, ed era chiusa con la firma Jack . Talvolta l’omicida inviava missive con l’impronta insanguinata della sua mano destra, accompagnata da frammenti di parti anatomiche prelevate dalle sue vittime.
La polizia ipotizzò che i reperti umani fossero stored under ice fetishistic purposes and were used in a macabre ritual, magic and propitiation, which the murderess was not, perhaps, the only beneficiary. Some investigators began to think that behind the crimes there was the hand of a close-knit group bound by common visions and esoteric.
Jack was baptized with the press of the nickname the Ripper, the Ripper, the case of the "monster" was alarming to the public of the time and, therefore, investigations were followed by personal Sir Charles Warren, chief of police in London and former senior military official British colonial office. Decorated in the war that the United Kingdom undertaken in 1876 in Kafiristan, Warren was "torpedoed" by the Minister of Internal Affairs on 8 November 1888, for not giving a face and name to Jack.
Warren entrusted to his subordinate, Chief Inspector John Littelchild, antimostro a team composed of police officers with extensive experience and expertise and by dogs trained to find the place smells of the perpetrators of the crime.
Littlechild immediately set to work. Arrested many people, including Michael Ostrog, who was a Polish jew il medico a Londra, e John Druitt, un avvocato inglese a casa del quale furono trovate alcune lettere scritte di suo pugno, nelle quali confessava di essere Jack lo Squartatore. Il suo corpo fu stranamente trovato privo di vita nelle acque del Tamigi il 31 dicembre del 1888, lo stesso giorno nel quale un giudice aveva firmato per Druitt l’ordine di arresto.
La stampa inglese si domandò se Druitt fosse Jack e se qualcuno poteva essere a conoscenza delle sue malefatte tanto da ucciderlo prima dell’inizio di un’inchiesta, che avrebbe potuto coinvolgere alte personalità. Si può ipotizzare anche che eliminando Druitt, qualcuno volesse offrire all’opinione pubblica un capro espiatorio e una facile soluzione appropriate. The letters found at the home of Druitt, on the other hand, could be false, made specially by those who wanted to frame him.
few days before the death of Druitt, also was killed Mary Jane Allen, a friend of the four other women and also a prostitute in Whitechapel. Mary Allen was found dead in a bed of blood, because of the removal of the reproductive organs.
And this was the last murder of Jack. But there's more.
In 1996, the journalist Stewart Evans discovered in the archives of Scotland Yard a letter addressed to Sir Warren Littlechild, in which the inspector mentioned the name of another suspect, Francis Tumbley that, inexplicably, in 1888, had rented a house in Whitechapel, despite having a property in another district of London. Tumbley had graduated in medicine and in his house were found by officials of Littlechild, some woman's uterus in formalin. From the letter, that the police knew that Tumbley was a misogynist, he hated prostitutes and that he fled to Italy a few days after the death of Mary Jane Allen.
The discovery of this letter and the fact that Sir Warren has not made the arrest of the suspect, leading to deduce that Tumbley had been made leave the country with the complicity of some corrupt police officer and that he were to kill Druitt to order. Finally, it is conceivable that both Tumbley and Druitt, were involved in the case and that they were nothing more than pawns manipulated by powerful and influential people. Who can be the instigators of this trail of ritual killings is still a mystery.
The crimes of the monster remained unresolved due to the fact that some investigators of the time, as Littlechild, were blocked by resistance from their superiors, especially by Sir Warren and meaningful but also by some representatives of the House of Lords, as James Monroe , Robert Anderson and Secretary of State Henry Mattewhews, who did not want you investigate deeper.
In fact, one of the tracks followed by the Inspector Littlechild led to a representative of the British royal family and more. The inspector suspected that Littlechild had been fielded a great deal of misdirection to cover an affair of state which had involved a senior member of the crown, perhaps even the son of Queen Victoria.
Based on the assumptions of the inspector, in the 60 books of French and British authors linked to anti-Masonic Catholic circles, and more recently a well-known American film titled Hell Fromm (The True Story of Jack the Ripper , 2001, directed by brothers Hughes, based on the graphic novel From Hell by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell) gave birth to the idea that Jack was the court physician of the Queen and was a Mason of high-ranking enlisted to perform these crime to uphold the honor of the son of the Queen, who had secretly married one of five prostitutes and had a male heir. To avoid that could one day be king, according to this fascinating reconstruction of the case, the child was kidnapped and put in a boarding school under another name, while the doctor Mason dropped the mother and her friends who were aware of this fact, creating with the complicity of others, the staging of the crimes for ritual purposes. And, like any self-respecting end, the doctor was later dismissed by the court and the Masons. He was accused of being crazy, he was interned in a mental hospital and that was done by another surgeon lobotomize Mason, to get rid of the last witness.
To make the ritual murders of Whitechapel, the court physician allegedly used by some employees, and perhaps Tumbley Druitt, who were also Masons. Today, one of the most popular hypothesis is that the three had infiltrated the Freemasons on behalf of a group of occult power, the better to act and to coordinate an operation that was certainly known to the leaders of the State English of the time.
The three were specially done by running the precise rituals of revenge prescribed for traitors Masonic initiation and deliberately leaving clues and hidden messages, all of course to hit Freemasonry: Masonic apron flaps of leather, writing on walls related to revenge accomplished by Juwes , the three murders legendary architect Hiram, builder of Solomon's Temple and the center of Freemasonry Universal.
Unable to fully understand these cryptic details of the brand, the press of the time he began a campaign of veiled criticism of the Masons and the general discrediting the Jews that involved the population of the district where the murders were committed
Juwes The word, in fact, referring to the three Jubel, Jubel, Jubelum, killers of Hiram, was confused by the term Jews, which in English means Jews.
The initial Juwes the J was used by three assassins who just signed with the name of Jack.
All this, as I said, would always lead to a widespread disrepute the Masonic Institution, and then the rituals of those murders were to follow in the initiation of the degree of Apprentice libero muratore del rituale Emulation , codificato solo a metà degli anni Cinquanta e, fino a quel tempo, tramandato solo oralmente:
“ Prometto e giuro di non palesare i segreti della Libera muratoria, di non far conoscere ad alcuno ciò che mi verrà confidato, sotto pena di aver tagliata la gola, strappati il cuore e la lingua, le viscere lacere, fatto il mio corpo a pezzi, indi bruciato e ridotto in polvere… ”.
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