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Jack the Ripper and the Monster of Florence: the disturbing similarities in the crimes

Paolo Franceschetti

The Murders Monster of Florence, together with those of Jack the Ripper, are the ones that have attracted public attention in this century. They have many similarities, and in fact they are both crimes committed by members of the Order of the Red Rose.
The first person who spotted the similarities and formulated a hypothesis in this sense (ie identifying the Golden Dawn, and the Red Rose, as a link between the two events) was Joseph Cosco, who wrote on his blog the article: Monster of Florence and Jack the Ripper, disturbing similarities.

Little time passed and Joseph morì.

Giuseppe Cosco, che scrisse l'articolo "Jack lo Squartatore
e il Mostro di Firenze: inquietanti analogie"

Le analogie sono state ben comprese anche dal regista del film "From Hell - La vera storia di Jack lo Squartatore".
Nel film, infatti, quando muore una delle vittime si vede chiaramente il vestito, su cui compaiono delle evidenti rose rosse. In un'altra scene at the grave of the victim is thrown a red rose. The victims are always offered the grapes, and it is clear the reference to the grapevine inserted into the vagina of a victim of the Monster of Florence, as there is an obvious reference to the place vui victims were killed (along with a vineyard, just ).
But the similarities between the two events are not just those highlighted by Cosco in his article. There are actually many more, and much more glaring.
Both in the story of Florence in the London are similarities in terms of actors involved, in both cases in the group of suspects are:
1) a doctor (Francesco Narducci in the first case, Michael Ostrog in the second, but in the movie From Hell is assumed another track, always linked to a doctor);
2) a writer (Alberto Bevilacqua for the crimes of Florence and Oscar Wilde eg those in London);
3) a painter (Claude Falbriand for the crimes and Walter Sickert Italian to English ones).

Another analogy is not just that the crimes of the Monster of Florence apparently seem to end with the discovery of the corpse of Narducci in Lake Trasimeno, the crimes of Jack the Ripper seem to end in 1888 with the discovery in waters of the Thames John Druitt.
For John Druitt you think of suicide, as Narducci, but we know that the runways next door elsewhere.
Curiously, even John Druitt was the son of a doctor, as Narducci. Equally curiously, in both cases it turned out that they were part of an organization esoteric, and suggested that they had been eliminated by the same organization to which they belonged, because by then had become uncomfortable. Druitt faces seem esoteric part of a group called "The Apostles", and Narducci just seems to be part of the Red Rose.

In both cases we assumed a certain point the track esoteric and satanic. For the Monster of Florence, remember that the track esoteric and links with the Red Rose are made even by the commissioner who handled the case, Michele Giuttari, in his book "The Monster".

Another similarity was the attitude of the press. In both cases, the newspapers are dealing with the bottom of the case, but, after an initial "support" for the investigators, then we moved to a destructive phase, defamatory, charged with failure and so on.

This attitude finds its cause in a factor which again is common ad entrambe le vicende. Infatti i sospetti degli investigatori si accentrarono di volta in volta su personaggi sempre diversi, che poi inevitabilmente venivano scagionati.
Il che è logico, perché gli inquirenti partivano dall'errato presupposto che si trattasse di delitti seriali, di un maniaco. Ovviamente non potevano ipotizzare che si trattasse di un'organizzazione strutturata, efficiente, di rilievo addirittura internazionale, e che i delitti fossero compiuti da più persone contemporaneamente.
Quindi, nella logica semplicistica del serial killer unico, quando gli indizi portavano a qualcuno nuovo, questo escludeva che il precedente indiziato fosse coinvolto. A maggior ragione, se the suspect was in custody, the fulfillment of another crime he did immediately exonerate, as with Vincenzo Spalletti, who is jailed but released when the killers will strike again. A similar fate will befall Francesco Vinci.

And another analogy is misleading on the incredible, pollution investigation, detection and protection at the highest level where the killers enjoyed so much that it is now clear that the instigators of the crimes of the monster were not Narducci and Calamandrei some, but people at the highest levels of government.

Besides, some special smaller match.
The killers took place all in London's Whitechapel (white chapel), one of the crimes of the Monster of Florence took place in Villa Bianca, for that matter, the famous house of which so much was said and who was placed under seizure, was (and is) a beautiful villa was completely white.

The victims suffered severe mutilation, but in both cases the bodies there was no sign of sexual violence. And in both cases the mutilations are done by expert hands (this is because in both cases we heard of a surgeon and is investigated in the medical environment).

Sia al procuratore Silvia Della Monica, a Firenze, che agli investigatori di Londra, vennero inviate per posta delle parti di cadavere.

Insomma. Queste due vicende non solo sono state volute dalla stessa organizzazione esoterica, l'Ordine della Rosa Rossa e della Croce d'Oro, ma hanno seguito andamenti molto simili tra loro; uccisioni molto simili, stesse tappe, stesse vicende, stessi protagonisti, e stesse conclusioni, quasi come un remake, come un film già visto. Come se fosse stato seguito un copione preciso fin dall'inizio.
Un film che poi ha lo stesso finale, perchè nessuno ha mai capito Who is the murderess. This makes sense, because the killers are many, and sponsors can be found at the highest levels of the state, making it impossible to understand the actual truth.
hypothesis on the motive.
to see things from this angle, however, is plain to see clearly an apparent inconsistency.
not square the fact that this organization or the Order of the Red Rose and Golden Cross, born in the Golden Dawn, has the power to silence all that concerns it and then you do not explains why these crimes has been made in the light of the sun, with echoes of great press.
recall for example that long ago said that the Tg were found the bodies of three prostitutes in garbage bags, cut to pieces. At the news was given a few seconds, and only when the reporter mentioned the idea of \u200b\u200ba serial killer, but nobody took care of each other.
In Rome, in the '80s, twelve women were killed in two years, crimes which, by the way they were similar to those of the Monster (and behind them was almost certainly the Red Rose) but everything was hushed up. This is recounted in the article:

In other words, when a ritual murder committed by the Red Rose deva drop silence (so almost always, except for the usual corny crimes Cogne, Erba, Meredith and Garlasco) , silence falls. Inexorably. And without that no journalist will deal really.

Besides, in my brief experience in these years, I learned much more brutal massacres perpetrated by those in London and Florence, and that no newspaper or TV news has never been occupied.
So it is natural to wonder why, however, for these crimes, there has been media echo this, and is equally natural to think that this echo was absolutely intentional.
The question is why? Because the organization wanted to give the story fed to the media?

We considerations and then we draw our conclusions.

A striking to reflect on these crimes, which are both crimes of the Red Rose, but also plain to see the location.

London: site of Birth of the Golden Dawn. The Red Rose is in fact equity in 1887 by William Wynn Westcott (who was a member of the Rosicrucian Society in England), Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers and William Robert Woodman.

Florence esoteric place, which was the birthplace of Dante, one who gives inspiration to many of the crimes of the Red Rose, which is considered one of the fathers of the Rosicrucians.

summary ... The serial killings that occurred more we talked about in the cities symbol of the Golden Dawn and Rosicrucians, whose GD is a subsidiary.
Non può essere un caso che su migliaia di città in Europa, i delitti di maggiore impatto su un intero continente, siano stati commessi proprio nelle città simbolo dell'organizzazione che li ha ideati ed eseguiti.
E a questo punto, il rilievo mediatico dato alla vicenda non può essere casuale, ma deve necessariamente essere voluto, come parte integrante del significato esoterico di questi delitti.
In realtà è probabilmente corretto affermare che le due città sono state scelte proprio perché sono fondamentali per la Golden Dawn.

A livello esoterico, infatti, uccidere le vittime serve ad accrescere the energy of those who kill, and organization.
When the crimes are relevant and are repeated in the TV media in all ways, on an esoteric level there is an amplification of the esoteric meaning of them.
In that sense, I think he's right when he says Gabriella Carlizzi that these crimes are being made to mark their territory.

A page. 135, Gabriella Carlizzi book "Business is reserved for the Monster of Florence", we find the explanation of certain crimes. With reference to the murder of French pair Jean-Michel and Nadine Kravechvili Mauriot Carlizzi supports the two Frenchmen who were chosen to "fertilize" French territory, that is to strengthen the power of esoteric organization in France.

The hypothesis is plausible, in this case the same is true for the two German victims Wilhelm Horst Meyer, and Jens-Uwe Rusch.

In other words, these two events served to sanctify the areas of London and Florence, consecrating them to the Red Rose, and increasing the strength of the organization for its own purposes to come.

E to deploy the beneficial effects of these crimes not only to the Italian territory, but also in other areas where the Red Rose is more powerful, namely Germany and France (then remember that it is in Kassel, Germany, the Rosicrucians are the first public appearance, while France is the country where was born the Order of the Qabalistic Rosicrucians, founded by Stanislav De Guaita and Papus).
These crimes were to be publicized as much as possible, as this esoteric level increases the benefits of "ritual", in every sense.

So the geographical location of these crimes, and their media coverage, were undoubtedly linked to the importance that these two sites receiving for the whole organization of the Red Rose.
So give media response to these crimes means weaken the energies of the listener the Tg or reading the newspaper, and this weakening of these organizations actually increase their strength.
A little 'as some television on Sunday sent the Holy Mass, the Red Rose has often by the media value of certain events to be emphasized in esoteric art to the effects of these rituals are common on the population.

The same is true for all the crimes to which it is given wide media response.

is then to explain the transmission of over 30 Bruno Vespa on the Cogne case, for example.
And here's why the Monster of Florence news, hypothesis, research, scoop, etc. ... are still not appeased.

summary, therefore, the Monster of Florence Murders and those of Jack the Ripper murders were ritual, which were used to sanctify the territories in London and Florence, while the clamor in the newspapers and TV, was used to amplify the effects of this ritual, esoteric propagation effects, citizenship.
The killings, and all the subsequent consequences, including then l'immenso clamore dei mass media, sono state in realtà pianificate e volute e facevano parte del piano, fin dall'inizio.

tratto dal Blog di Paolo Franceschetti: LINK


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