Thursday, February 24, 2011

Im Inlove With You Quotes

I think and European Ministers, meanwhile, will die in Libya case

Fernando Termentini *

History repeats itself. Europe is thinking, as in the past in the Balkans during the siege of Sarajevo ed il genocidio in Kosovo. Ora, i Ministri europei stanno valutando le possibili ipotesi di intervento in Libia a favore della popolazione e l’Unione e gli USA si limitano a lanciare avvertimenti al governo libico con scarsi risultati. Dall’inizio dell’anno รจ scoppiata la rivolta in tutta l’Africa settentrionale, a ridosso dei confini meridionali italiani, spagnoli, maltesi e greci, che, interpretando Schengen, dovrebbero coincidere con quelli dell’Unione Europea. 

Moti di piazza sicuramente non improvvisati che hanno evidenziato un’organizzazione ed un coordinamento di all respect if only because in both countries within one or two weeks they managed to exile powerful force in government for thirty years. European Union and the United States seemed almost surprised by what happened and how it happened. Perhaps fearing the intrusion of Wikileaks had been distorted by the diplomatic communications or intelligence from Tunis, Algiers, and Cairo and the house of cards has collapsed suddenly. Even the European delegations with their offices in Cairo, Tunis and Algiers have provided food for thought Union warning. The tidal wave, however, is immediately propagated to the south and even this has taken everyone by surprise, although many analysts since by early January had planned and written. From February 17 to Libya is on fire, in Benghazi, Tripoli, on the southern shores of the Mediterranean will die and EU ministers have only now begun to think. They have to decide without reference to a minimum although contingency planning that would be available if, instead, could immediately set in motion important initiatives. Nothing even to address the problem of predictable migration on European shores and not only Italian rather than Greek, Maltese and English, despite the fact that since 2007 there is the European External Borders Fund, which provides, inter alia, to ensure the organization efficient control and surveillance external boundaries. Not even a basic planning for the evacuation of EU citizens residing in regions certainly "not peaceful", many expatriates to treat Europeans as well as national interests. NATO and Clinton did load stopping a civil war in the Balkans and of appropriating a role that was supposed to be Europe, but the "European Holding" even then he needed time to think. Obama, perhaps today more involved in managing the Shia Iranians than to the events in North Africa is proving to not want to be responsible, at least for the time being, problems overseas. Europe continues to think, as in Tripoli and almost dies 5000 europei sono in attesa di essere evacuati. Speriamo che almeno si stia almeno valutando l’ipotesi che ai confini europei potrebbe addensarsi la nube di una possibile radicalizzazione islamica.


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