Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tech Deck Beat Account

Tenco: the interview "BOMB" by Paolo Bonolis Arrigo Molinari (Domenica In)

di La Verde Isola *

Premetto che molte delle cose che dice Molinari nell'intervista, sono vere.
E' vero che quell'anno come gli anni precedenti si scommetteva sulle canzonette e c'era un giro piuttosto GROSSO di miliardi ( che Tenco avrebbe denunciato l'indomani in una conferenza facendo nomi e cognomi ).
E' vero anche che i vertici della Rai esercitarono delle pressioni quella notte per sbarazzarsi di quel cadavere scomodo.
Molinari asserisce che Zatterin ( già defunto all'epoca della sua intervista, facile bersaglio dunque ) minacciò di chiamare il Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri e di farlo "estromettere" se lui non avesse rimosso il corpse, then he "scared" could not act otherwise. It may also be true and I do not doubt it, but there is something wrong: according to the interview that you heard, Arrigo Molinari said, however, have shown the corpse in the room to challenge the decision to continue the Festival.
... But as he was not afraid that Zatterin called the "battery" and / or the Presidency of the Council of Ministers?

Of course not. Arrigo Molinari was a license-holder of the P2.
The P2 was in command throughout, Molinari could therefore fear a "threat" to anyone they also come from the pope?
It 'not credible.
So it is hardly credible that the body was brought back to room by Molinari NOT to take photos but to "challenge" the decision of the vertices Rai not to stay the festival: in fact came to the photo- 04:15 after the return of the corpse in the room, measurements were made with the crime scene by now "without any legal value. "The Commissioner would have us believe that he was a" naive "but I am not that naive in the P2, there were characters Naive, let alone sold short.

a Precise else : Marco Benedetto CEO of Republic in 2004 but at the time was a journalist, ANSA, and calls to Molinari's request to be informed if by chance something had happened that night. Molinari in fact the first thing he does when I know the news is called the loop. Question: how did he suppose Marco Benedetto that night might have something happen? This important point. Molinari himself admits it. Those who work must bend to the news first of course, but I doubt that every night at Marco Benedetto Molinari telephoned to remind him every time the same thing. Why that night? While Molinari just the Ansa news agency and warns if it is true that quarrels with Zatterin who wants to hide everything and if it is true that Molinari is the corpse back on the scene, because Molinari had an interest that would spread the news as much as possible? It was perhaps the only way to immediately learn what had happened to the bodies of the lodge to which he belonged to let you know that the dreaded press conference Tenco there would have been, and which bets could continuare indisturbate in tutta Italia?

Ho aspettato tanto, credo anni, prima di pubblicare quest'intervista ma prima volevo mettere a posto alcuni tasselli che fino a poco tempo fa mancavano. Cercherò di spiegarvi in maniera semplice "tutti gli ingranaggi" complessi che ruotano intorno a quest'intervista e a questa vicenda, se però non sto attento, rischio di annebbiare ulteriormente le idee che avete costruito e metabolizzato in questi anni nella vostra testa riguardo la questione.
Molinari accusa il Festival ed i vertici della Rai per tutto quello che successe quella notte ma la pistola diversa sotto i glutei di Tenco do not put it Zatterin. E 'then true that Rai has done "pressure" but he too has its problems.
Molinari "talks" on several occasions of illegal betting and we know that is true (so much so that the Tenco was reported the next day with a lot of names and surnames), but his feet under the bureau does not put them certainly Rai, just as it is not because of the Festival that lacerated contused wounds on the face of Tenco were not reported on the scientific report.

Rai has certainly had responsibilities in the rental Tenco negligence but more are all to pay tribute to Commissioner Molinari:

- warn the Ansa Tenco's suicide before going to see the corpse;
- did draw a false report of the scientific, however, where there is not even the mysterious "suicide note" that it will not be found by Molinari in the room but will be delivered by "third" coming from room 104 of Dalida (effectively making the body of dubious origin of the crime). On the same report, there is no mention of the obvious wounds on the face of the singer. So there was a heavy CONCEALMENT OF EVIDENCE referred sincerely believe that Rai has to do very little.

We come to the point:

Commissioner Molinari interview listed above get all the blame on Rai.
Rai But these accusations seem to digest well. He never replied and never denied the crimes attributed to him.
Rather strangely for 44 years PUMP THE LIE OF THE SUICIDE OF TENCO through its three national networks quietly taking all the blame.
This is una domanda che mi pongo da diversi anni e sono arrivato ad una precisa conclusione:
che scaricare tutte le colpe sulla Rai Radio Televisione Italiana in fondo non danneggia nessuno, neanche la Rai stessa. Ormai sono passati 44 anni, e dare la colpa alla pressione "del Festival" è decisamente "più indolore" per tutti. Appare altresì strano che quando "irriducibili" complottisti incalzano con l'omicidio di Tenco e guadagnano terreno, in una delle tre reti appaiano, "precisi" come un orologio svizzero, seducenti SERVIZI SUL SUICIDIO DI TENCO.
Ma...se le colpe ricadessero anche sul Commissario, allora le cose cambierebbero perchè apparirebbe assai palese che quella notte lui simulate a suicide has non-existent.


I believe that Mr Molinari spoke "incomplete" and has played his cards well by Bonolis. Think, he shot to zero on RAI RAI state TV ... and did not "react" or say a word on the matter.
When this happens, you'd think that nothing happens by accident. Molinari knows it, blaming the weak does not penalize the weak. It may seem like a twisted mind but it is a clear demonstration that you have this interview finally, after so many years had the good fortune to hear. I hope that this time the institutions we read and put an end to this absurd farce ... because that is the fault of A or B, we do not care, what interests us is that the magistrate to reopen the case Tenco (as it should be clear after the accusations and heavy) and validated on the basis of our strong elements including 5 extra we published in these three years, the murder of Luigi Tenco against persons unknown.
solution "painless" that could put an end forever to the forty year ... "contest."

* The Green Island
THE "TEST 5" of the murder of Luigi Tenco:


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