Monday, February 28, 2011

Hedge Fund Skill Sets

Jewel contended. That is: the strange argument that brings us to April 6

Never give the jewel to their lovers. Especially if there is a risk that they may know or meet. And 'one of the rules under which the faithless must follow. Many people know that someone, obviously not.

La storia che conduce alla data del 6 aprile prossimo, quando il Tribunale di Milano tenterà di processare Silvio Berlusconi , comincia con un litigio tra due donne che condividono lo stesso un rapporto con lo stesso uomo.
E' la sera del 5 giugno 2010 e tra una ragazza che tutti conoscono come Ruby e una brasiliana di nome Michelle scoppia una rissa violenta. Le due abitano nello stesso appartamento, ma il teatro dello scontro è un ristorante, davanti a molta gente. Volano parole grosse: si danno della put., della tro., ma soprattutto della ladra. L'oggetto conteso è una collana. La lite è furibonda e qualcuno chiama the Police.

Let's step back now, the night of May 27, just over a week ago. The main characters are still their Ruby and Michelle. Fourth last ended up in police headquarters in Milan, accused of theft. The Brazilian is with her, gets down on one side, takes the phone and dials the number of man that can or should help them. From Paris responds Silvio Berlusconi. Michelle, already identified by investigators as a prostitute, he warns that his roommate minor risk unpleasant consequences.
The rancor between the two was born out of mutual accusations of theft a jewel a necklace in white gold cross diamonds produced by Recarlo Valenza Po. "It's' my - no, it's mine" - "thief" - even in the face repeated to investigators. One of two minds, think of those who are questioning.
Or maybe not. Perhaps both say the truth. But how is this possible?
In Valenza Po immediately recognize that jewel. They're aware of all their products, sure, but that was an unexpected success. A particularly important and wealthy client has bought 100 copies. At a cost of 2400 € in the series, I hope he 246mila € in one fell swoop. But who is this? Probably had to do homage to several Mr Silvio Berlusconi, said in Valenza Po
They did not know, Michelle and Ruby, but both were right. They did not know that those disputes would have led to the date of April 6, with consequences that we have yet to discover. But one thing is certain and clear: never give the jewel to their lovers.


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