Friday, February 11, 2011

Scram Ankle Components

The "Little Louisiana" where everyone is silent on Sardinian (history of the environmental disaster caused by oil tanker Esmeralda)

di Betty Galanti

Mentre i giornali e i video-notiziari si preoccupano del gossip, tra un gluteo di Belèn and a love of some tissue, you live in Sardinia for the past one month a surreal situation, which no one seems to want to talk.
all began 's January 11 this year, when the tanker Esmeralda, during a refueling at the dock of the German company E.On., due to a leak in the pipes, poured in water is a 'huge amounts of oil for the power of the Holy River.

From that moment on was put in place a huge operation to cover up the incident.

Initially, in fact, there was talk of a spill of ten tons of oil. The official data are then passed to thirty thousand liters. But today, thanks to the data of civil protection, we know that the loss of fuel is around about the fifty-five thousand liters! ... And not only the fuel lost at sea is not exactly what we talked about initially: it is not oil, but Orimulsion, an emulsion with high hydrocarbon content from Venezuela and now absolutely illegal according to the guidelines europee, tanto che nella stessa centrale di Fiume Santo ne fu interdetto l’utilizzo già nel 2000, quando un altro enorme disastro ambientale ebbe luogo silenziosamente. La Regione Sardegna, tuttavia, ha successivamente proposto una serie continua di deroghe affinché l’orimulsion venisse ancora utilizzato dalla centrale tedesca, in barba alle normative europee e al trend mondiale, che considera questo combustibile assolutamente obsoleto e inutilizzabile ormai da anni, tanto che al momento gli unici ad utilizzarlo sono i cinesi. Perché queste dergohe suicide? 

We discover in an article published on the web:
"In the month of June were paid by E. On, as an advance tax IRAP and" Robin tax "of € 25.5 million, which add to the approximately 50 million euro paid in November 2009. To this figure must be added also the amount paid by E. On Italy Spa, the holding company of the group, who left in July to € 13.2 million in Sardinia. "(Http:// / why-the-silence /).
The German company has raised the alarm solo dopo 36 ore dallo sversamento, cosa che ha chiaramente aggravato la situazione, senza considerare che, essendo l’orimulsion un carburante scarsamente utilizzato, non esistono al momento protocolli di bonifica. L’emulsione inoltre, essendo molto densa, non resta in superficie, ma tende a sprofondare a circa 80 cm sotto il livello dell’acqua, sino a depositarsi sui bassi fondali.

Lo spettacolo che oggi si può vedere lungo ben 18 km di costa è raccapricciante.
Spiagge ricoperte di catrame, pesci agonizzanti, acque oleose. Spettacolo che inizialmente the police have tried to avoid it were apparent, prohibits anyone who is preparing to photograph or even come close to affected areas, such as the beach Platamona.

It seems that even a large black spot in Corsica has been sighted since.
But Environment Minister Prestigiacomo denies any danger. Tell fact that the situation has been rectified, and all in Sardinia wonder how, since the operation of reclamation was almost insignificant and ridiculous. Twenty-five boats available to clean up the first day of the accident, the ministry has only one charge, the technicians who work to collect bags full of tar (to date have been collected 600 kg) have abandoned the bags on the banks of beaches, and the tide has set in the ocean, looking for areas polluted with helicopters and planes without considering that the emulsion does not remain afloat, but falls in the seabed, are sent divers to search for oil in the accumulation of material dell, and clear water are clean because no one has thought that the Asinara si trova a nord del luogo dell’incidente, e pertanto è impossibile che vi siano tracce di emulsione: in Sardegna, infatti, soffiano venti di maestrale e di grecale, cioè venti da nord ovest e da nord est!!! Per trovare residui a Nord occorrerebbero venti provenienti da sud! Ma la Prestigiacomo conferma che il pericolo è scampato e tutto è risolto e così nessuno parla di questo smisurato disastro: si ha paura di danneggiare il turismo, la pesca e di fare la solita figura dei buffoni.

Intanto leggiamo sul quotidiano “La Nuova Sardegna” che tankers take advantage of the disaster area to clean up their tanks! Finally a few days ago the situation in Sardinia becomes increasingly surreal: January 28th, in fact, a truck coming from Alfa Steels of Brescia, in the establishment of Portovesme comes with a load of waste radioactive isotopes of cesium content 137, to be used such as fuel! You open another investigation. We wonder how it is possible? Here too, the Region of Sardinia has signed the usual exceptions, in exchange for what is' needless to say.
And while all is quiet in the media, the artists of the Ex-Queen of Sassari screaming their Operation Black Fish: a huge black whale made from bags of tar collected in the beach of Sassari Platamona to sensitize public opinion, which now has only item on the web .


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