Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Diff Between Patent Foramen Ovale And Asd

Hell: Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel murders rituals (the similarities with the Monster of Florence)

of Michael Allegri

In 1888, the neighborhood di Whitechapel, nell’East End di Londra, fu sconvolto dagli efferati omicidi di quattro prostitute: Polly Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride e Catharine Eddowes. I delitti, la loro modalità di esecuzione, mostravano l’accanimento maniacale dell’assassino verso le sue vittime femminili che furono strangolate e sgozzate con la precisione di un chirurgo e, come in un antico rito sacrificale, furono squartate per prelevare alcune delle loro parti anatomiche: il cuore, la lingua, i seni, gli intestini, l’utero e la vulva. Vicino alle vittime furono trovati anche strani indizi: tralci di uva rossa, lembi di un grembiule di bianca e cruda pelle di vitello, sassi disposti circolarmente, una pietra simile ad una piramide truncated.
It is perhaps the first documented case of a crime-historically serial killer.

A particularly chilling reconnect these crimes of 1800 with the recent Italian: the same mode of action and the same scenes the crime were found, in fact, even in the Monster of Florence Murders 80s.
But back to the case of the late nineteenth century. The killer of prostitutes, after ogni delitto, era solito sfidare la polizia inviando lettere nelle quali scriveva, col sangue delle vittime, alcune frasi sconclusionate, deridendo gli investigatori che, a suo dire, non avrebbero mai scoperto la sua identità e, al contempo, invitandoli a fermarlo. Un atteggiamento psicotico comune nei delitti seriali.
Il testo di ogni lettera era preceduto dalla frase From Hell , dall’inferno, ed era chiusa con la firma Jack . Talvolta l’omicida inviava missive con l’impronta insanguinata della sua mano destra, accompagnata da frammenti di parti anatomiche prelevate dalle sue vittime.
La polizia ipotizzò che i reperti umani fossero stored under ice fetishistic purposes and were used in a macabre ritual, magic and propitiation, which the murderess was not, perhaps, the only beneficiary. Some investigators began to think that behind the crimes there was the hand of a close-knit group bound by common visions and esoteric.
Jack was baptized with the press of the nickname the Ripper, the Ripper, the case of the "monster" was alarming to the public of the time and, therefore, investigations were followed by personal Sir Charles Warren, chief of police in London and former senior military official British colonial office. Decorated in the war that the United Kingdom undertaken in 1876 in Kafiristan, Warren was "torpedoed" by the Minister of Internal Affairs on 8 November 1888, for not giving a face and name to Jack.

Warren entrusted to his subordinate, Chief Inspector John Littelchild, antimostro a team composed of police officers with extensive experience and expertise and by dogs trained to find the place smells of the perpetrators of the crime.
Littlechild immediately set to work. Arrested many people, including Michael Ostrog, who was a Polish jew il medico a Londra, e John Druitt, un avvocato inglese a casa del quale furono trovate alcune lettere scritte di suo pugno, nelle quali confessava di essere Jack lo Squartatore. Il suo corpo fu stranamente trovato privo di vita nelle acque del Tamigi il 31 dicembre del 1888, lo stesso giorno nel quale un giudice aveva firmato per Druitt l’ordine di arresto.
La stampa inglese si domandò se Druitt fosse Jack e se qualcuno poteva essere a conoscenza delle sue malefatte tanto da ucciderlo prima dell’inizio di un’inchiesta, che avrebbe potuto coinvolgere alte personalità. Si può ipotizzare anche che eliminando Druitt, qualcuno volesse offrire all’opinione pubblica un capro espiatorio e una facile soluzione appropriate. The letters found at the home of Druitt, on the other hand, could be false, made specially by those who wanted to frame him.
few days before the death of Druitt, also was killed Mary Jane Allen, a friend of the four other women and also a prostitute in Whitechapel. Mary Allen was found dead in a bed of blood, because of the removal of the reproductive organs.
And this was the last murder of Jack. But there's more.
In 1996, the journalist Stewart Evans discovered in the archives of Scotland Yard a letter addressed to Sir Warren Littlechild, in which the inspector mentioned the name of another suspect, Francis Tumbley that, inexplicably, in 1888, had rented a house in Whitechapel, despite having a property in another district of London. Tumbley had graduated in medicine and in his house were found by officials of Littlechild, some woman's uterus in formalin. From the letter, that the police knew that Tumbley was a misogynist, he hated prostitutes and that he fled to Italy a few days after the death of Mary Jane Allen.

The discovery of this letter and the fact that Sir Warren has not made the arrest of the suspect, leading to deduce that Tumbley had been made leave the country with the complicity of some corrupt police officer and that he were to kill Druitt to order. Finally, it is conceivable that both Tumbley and Druitt, were involved in the case and that they were nothing more than pawns manipulated by powerful and influential people. Who can be the instigators of this trail of ritual killings is still a mystery.
The crimes of the monster remained unresolved due to the fact that some investigators of the time, as Littlechild, were blocked by resistance from their superiors, especially by Sir Warren and meaningful but also by some representatives of the House of Lords, as James Monroe , Robert Anderson and Secretary of State Henry Mattewhews, who did not want you investigate deeper.
In fact, one of the tracks followed by the Inspector Littlechild led to a representative of the British royal family and more. The inspector suspected that Littlechild had been fielded a great deal of misdirection to cover an affair of state which had involved a senior member of the crown, perhaps even the son of Queen Victoria.
Based on the assumptions of the inspector, in the 60 books of French and British authors linked to anti-Masonic Catholic circles, and more recently a well-known American film titled Hell Fromm (The True Story of Jack the Ripper , 2001, directed by brothers Hughes, based on the graphic novel From Hell by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell) gave birth to the idea that Jack was the court physician of the Queen and was a Mason of high-ranking enlisted to perform these crime to uphold the honor of the son of the Queen, who had secretly married one of five prostitutes and had a male heir. To avoid that could one day be king, according to this fascinating reconstruction of the case, the child was kidnapped and put in a boarding school under another name, while the doctor Mason dropped the mother and her friends who were aware of this fact, creating with the complicity of others, the staging of the crimes for ritual purposes. And, like any self-respecting end, the doctor was later dismissed by the court and the Masons. He was accused of being crazy, he was interned in a mental hospital and that was done by another surgeon lobotomize Mason, to get rid of the last witness.
To make the ritual murders of Whitechapel, the court physician allegedly used by some employees, and perhaps Tumbley Druitt, who were also Masons. Today, one of the most popular hypothesis is that the three had infiltrated the Freemasons on behalf of a group of occult power, the better to act and to coordinate an operation that was certainly known to the leaders of the State English of the time.
The three were specially done by running the precise rituals of revenge prescribed for traitors Masonic initiation and deliberately leaving clues and hidden messages, all of course to hit Freemasonry: Masonic apron flaps of leather, writing on walls related to revenge accomplished by Juwes , the three murders legendary architect Hiram, builder of Solomon's Temple and the center of Freemasonry Universal.
Unable to fully understand these cryptic details of the brand, the press of the time he began a campaign of veiled criticism of the Masons and the general discrediting the Jews that involved the population of the district where the murders were committed
Juwes The word, in fact, referring to the three Jubel, Jubel, Jubelum, killers of Hiram, was confused by the term Jews, which in English means Jews.
The initial Juwes the J was used by three assassins who just signed with the name of Jack.

All this, as I said, would always lead to a widespread disrepute the Masonic Institution, and then the rituals of those murders were to follow in the initiation of the degree of Apprentice libero muratore del rituale Emulation , codificato solo a metà degli anni Cinquanta e, fino a quel tempo, tramandato solo oralmente:
Prometto e giuro di non palesare i segreti della Libera muratoria, di non far conoscere ad alcuno ciò che mi verrà confidato, sotto pena di aver tagliata la gola, strappati il cuore e la lingua, le viscere lacere, fatto il mio corpo a pezzi, indi bruciato e ridotto in polvere… ”.


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