Monday, February 21, 2011

Stab And Bullet Resistant Vest

The spreading Islamic revolution

Fernando Termentini *

These days the applicant has read how the Internet has facilitated the spread of 'Islamic wave of revolt that, after having crossed the North Africa, Libya is undergoing and heads blow out Middle East touching Barheim . An assessment in part acceptable, perhaps too simplistic and that in certain respects contributed initially to underestimate the real risk that the world is running early this year, since the events of Maghreb.

The front of the freak wave is proving to be much more extensive than one might initially suppose, a clear sign that over the Internet are playing a key role, other extremist groups that may have been allies with Al Qaeda, Islamic subversive organizations as long protagonists throughout Central Africa.

hypothesis confirmed by the scanty and fragmentary images that even come from Cyrenaica along with reports of hundreds of deaths from the careless use of military weapons into the crowd, attributed to time at a government job to mercenaries. The photograph of a paramilitary fighter in blue overalls killed yesterday in Benghazi and published by many news agencies recalls, physical features, equipment and techniques for fighting the mercenaries from Tchiad and Niger in the past used in the carnage against Christians in Nigeria, Darfur and southern Sudan, many of them Islamic extremists to clan rooted in Africa, some Arab countries and also from the Balkans after Dayton.

Iran, for its part, fears of being "the shore of the port" of 'revolutionary wave and try to avoid it with a pragmatic approach by exploiting the emotion of what is happening in Africa to cover the crackdowns inside. The religious leader Khamenei expressed his solidarity with the Muslim brothers in Africa but at the same time he has shot up in Tehran who try to imitate their behaviors. An Iran that could soon face a situation similar to that Libyan and be armed with the power also repressing le timide iniziative popolari di riempire la piazza. Come riportato dall’agenzia iraniana Irna, si arresta la figlia dell’ex Presidente della Repubblica Akbar Rafsanjani da sempre critico nei confronti di Ahmadinejad mentre la guida suprema del Paese arringa la folla e denuncia il pericolo che l’Occidente con in testa l’USA, stia approfittando della situazione dei movimenti popolari dell’Africa settentrionale per destabilizzare la regione ed insediare nuovi leader amici. Un Iran che cerca di allontanare lo tsunami dal proprio territorio spingendo le minoranze sciite sparse nel mondo a ribellarsi alle dominanze sunnite. Un esempio รจ quanto sta avvenendo in Barheim, proprio di fronte alle coste iraniane e quasi a ridosso delle acque territoriali Tehran.

Here's Shiite organization Wefaq are rejecting any proposal for mediation of the King Hamad and ask for his resignation. Maybe the protest began as bread riots is moving to assert more and more Islamic radicalism that, starting from Iran and Libya, could regain possession of all the African countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea from where, then, look to the north - east to Muslim brothers in Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and the Balkans in Europe. A revolutionary network that could spread to the rest of the Islamic world, involving the Sudan, the 'Indonesia, the Islamic republics of Central Asia and the minorities of the Far East, with devastating effects on Western economies and international security.

* Fernando Termentini is a General Officer of the Italian Army Reserve. He attended the Military Academy. E 'degree in Strategic Sciences and during his career he was involved in all activities connected with the grades covered as officers of Corps of Engineers. He gained particular national and international experience in the field of explosives and rehabilitation of territories polluted by the presence of mines and unexploded ordnance exploded. Currently fornisce consulenza nel settore della bonifica, si occupa di analisi di rischio connesso alla minaccia terroristica convenzionale e non ed alle problematiche tecniche operative dell’impiego degli IED (Improvised Explosive Device). E’ autore di numerose pubblicazioni e studi consultabili attraverso il suo sito


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